The motherboard that will use the Mushkin SDD drive is the ASUS TUF SABERTOOTH Z170 MARK 1, which it is compatible for 6Gb/s and has 8 Sata ports, in which the SSD provided from Mushkin is compatible to this motherboard.
I have received a Mushkin SSD 1TB Drive which has a storage of 1TB. The Mushkin SSD also is a MLC meaning that it doubles on writes on each cell. Usually, MLC is better on terms of life span than a TLC and it is more common and cheaper than a SLC meaning that it will have a long lifespan, and countless amounts of rewrites to the SSD. The max sequential read up to 560 MBps while the max sequential write up to 460 MBps which is fast read and write speeds for a 1TB drive. The IOP’s for Write is around IOPS to 289.0625 Mbps and for the reading of IOPS is 296.875 Mbps. The MTBF of in other terms the average time until the drive fails is on average 1,500,000 hours. With the warranty of only a year, one year to have parts and labor with the ability to turn it back for a new one. The amount of features spans to temperature sensors and that of MLC Flash for a reliable SSD The price of the Mushkin 1Tb SSD is 249.99. Mushkin I would say has done a fair job on the product today, and seems reliable for a 1TB drive
Works Cited
“Mushkin Enhanced ECO2 2.5″ 1TB SATA III MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) MKNSSDEC1TB.” Newegg.com- Computer Parts, Laptops, Electronics, HDTVs, Digital Cameras and More! N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2017. <https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820226855&ignorebbr=1>.
Cook, Robert. “SSD Throughput, Latency and IOPS Explained – Learning To Run With Flash.” The SSD Review. N.p., 16 Oct. 2016. Web. 08 Mar. 2017. <http://www.thessdreview.com/featured/ssd-throughput-latency-iopsexplained>.