You have installed and configured docker using the documentation here.
Install Docker Desktop
Docker Desktop is a Windows solution to having the docker engine on Windows 10/11 (THIS CAN NOT RUN ON WINDOWS SERVERS) and can be downloaded here.
After running the install, there will be a checkbox asking if you want to run it using WSL2, uncheck this as most Windows systems don’t have this downloaded by default and HyperV works just as well.
After installing and restarting, move on
Install DockStation
This is a GUI for creating, managing, and deleting Docker containers on both remote and local Docker Hosts.
To install this, go the the web address here and download the Windows executable. Just run the .exe file and click next until the app is installed.
DockStation Configuration
Now that you have DockStation installed, you need to connect it to your remote server.
To do this go to the “Containers” top and go to the top left and edit the machine it is connected to (changing it from localhost).
You will then add a new connection and log in via “SSH”. You will enter the IP address of your docker host and enter a username that has access to the docker application on that host (I am going to use root).
You then need to make sure you have the correct connection selected and click “connect” to connect to the Docker instance.
Once you log in, you will be able to view your docker machines, create new ones, connect to the shell of these machines, delete them, monitor them, and so on.