If you already have nginx deployed, skip to the “Add a website for URL redirect” step.
Ā Assumptions
You have an Ubuntu 22.04 Linux server created
4GB of RAM
30GB of Drive Storage
You have a DNS “A” record redirecting all subdomains to your machine.
For instance, if your domain is “example.com”, you need to create an A record of “*” to redirect everything to anysubdomain.example.com.
Download openssh (OPTIONAL)
This allows the user to ssh into the machine to allow for easier copying and pasting of commands
sudo -i
This puts the current terminal as a super user (can run commands as an admin).
apt-get update
Updates the current list of Linux packages.
apt-get upgrade
Upgrades all of the packages/updates the actual software
apt-get install openssh-server
This installs openssh so you can ssh to the Linux machine
Connect to the Linux machine via SSH (use putty or the cmd)
Install nginx
apt install nginx
This installs the nginx software and engine
systemctl status nginx
this will check the status of nginx, ensuring the it is running
Add a website for URL redirect
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
nano yourwebsite.example.com
You will want this to actually be the URL you are redirecting. For instance, test.nationaltrail.us. “test” is the subdomain and “nationaltrail.us” is the domain we own.
Add the following configuration to the file
server {
server_name test.nationaltrail.us;location / {
proxy_pass; # Point to test web server
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
This redirects “test.nationaltrail.us” to “”
This creates a link from sites-available to sites-enabled to allow nginx to start redirecting/have access to the configuration
Test the configuration
nginx -t
This should have an output such as “the configuration is OK”
Restart the nginx service
systemctl reload nginx
You should now ab able to go to “test.nationaltrail.us” to go to the website located at “”
Add Certbot and secure the site
At this point, you are only redirecting traffic, not adding an SSL certificate. This will add encryption to secure the site.
Install certbot and the nginx plugin
apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
Secure your website
certbot –nginx -d test.nationaltrail.us
Go through the installation process. This includes adding a notification email for certificate expiration AND choosing the option for REDIRECTING traffic to HTTPS. This is the second option if you are prompted for it.
Restart nginx
systemctl reload nginx
Connect to your website! It should be secured unless the web app requires further proxy configuration (refer to the webpages documentation for this possibility).