When buying a video card there are several things that you should take into account before making a purchase. One of the most important parts of buying a video card is knowing what you are going to use your computer for. Whether you are an avid gamer or just someone that likes to browse the internet, or somewhere in between, that might impact how much you spend on a video card. Some other things you should look at before purchasing a new video card is; whether it is AMD or Nvidia, overall performance, memory and bandwidth, and CUDA cores. There are many other things that will impact the performance of the video card, but those are some of the basics you should be looking at.
If you enjoy gaming, then the Radeon RX Vega 64 is the video card for you. For just $419.99 on Newegg, gamers of all ages will get a video card that meets all of their needs. Passmark gave it a great score of 28.23. It has plenty of memory with 8GB. It also is very fast as the memory clock runs at 945 MHz. It has triple fans so your video card is almost guaranteed to not malfunction. With the performance of this video card, you are almost guaranteed to not regret this purchase of the Radeon RX Vega 64.
Effective Memory Clock- 945 MHz, 1900 MHz Effective
Memory Size- 8GB
Memory Interface- 2048-Bit
Memory Type- HBM2
Chipset Manufacturer- AMD
GPU Series- AMD Radeon RX VEGA Series
GPU- Radeon RX Vega 64
Core Clock- 1373 MHz
Boost Clock- 1580 MHz
Stream Processors- 4096 Stream Processors
HDMI- 2 x HDMI 2.0b
Multi-Monitor Support- 4
DisplayPort- 2 x DisplayPort 1.4
Max Resolution- 5120 x 2880
Eyefinity Support- Yes
Virtual Reality Ready- Yes
Cooler- Triple Fans
Operating Systems Supported- Windows 10 and Windows 7
System Requirements- Power Consumption: 240W
So now you just have to decide if this is the card for you. If you ask me, I would say yes! This is a can’t miss deal. With all that the Radeon RX Vega 64 brings to the table, I don’t know how you could pass up this offer. With a great price and great performance, this video card is a great option.
Note: This review is part of a classroom project.
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