“In “Alan Wake 2,” players follow the gripping narrative of Alan Wake, a successful writer battling supernatural forces in the eerie town of Bright Falls. The sequel continues the story of Wake’s struggle against the mysterious darkness that threatens both him and the town’s inhabitants. As players navigate through atmospheric environments and engage in intense combat against shadowy foes, they unravel the truth behind the dark forces plaguing Bright Falls and discover the secrets buried within Wake’s own past. With its blend of psychological horror, thrilling gameplay, and immersive storytelling, “Alan Wake 2” promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of darkness.”(conversation had with chatgpt on april 24th 2024)
I have run this game on the minimum system requirement of a Radeon RX 6600 XT
the stats for this graphics card are as followed
- 3 display ports
- 1 HDMI ports
- 32 MB infinity cache
- 32 compute rays and ray accelerators
- 8 GB GDDR6
- up to 2359 MHz game clock speeds
Using this more powerful graphics card was the right decision as now it ran the game and despite being clutched onto my seat in horror I managed to love the games for it’s intense graphics it ran them all quite smoothly and the GPU didn’t get too hot either. meaning I could do other things at the same time like run Discord or run 3d printing software.
also with 16 GB GDDR6 RAM and a passmark score of 16494 it was really hard NOT to go with this GPU for its price. Made by AMD PCIE 4.0 x16 dual fan,190 Watts power supports directX 12_2 and open GL 4.6
price is 329.99 Link